Yes I am!
Apologies for the delay in updates, but the past few weeks have been rather busy with settling in and starting life in dear ol’ London. Though it has been but a short time since I left the Great White North, I feel like I’ve been here way longer. Part of this may be due to my short long-term memory (is that an oxymoron?), but perhaps it is because I already feel quite comfortable in my surroundings.
And so, a recap:
Upon arrival in London, I stayed with a fellow ex-NOVA teacher for the night before moving into my new flat. One of my flatmates is also ex-NOVA, a very cool dude, so at least something good came out of that horrible Engrish sinking ship. I live with four guys (guess they needed the token girl) in Finsbury Park, which for those football fans out there, is very close to Arsenal’s stadium. I, however, have yet to figure out what all the football fuss is about, but they’ll be plenty of time for brainwashing.
Work has started, much to my wallet’s delight and my nightly rest’s dismay. Supply teaching is about what you’d expect. Days are spent with kids who either love you or give you lip. I haven’t decided if I actually like yet…When the going’s good it’s very, very good, but the going’s bad, it’s horrible.
I just realized that the tone of this entry is getting quite dichotomous, but I assure you there are way more good things than bad. For those wondering when I plan on coming home, the answer is definitely later rather than sooner.
My social life has been busier than expected. I think I’ve been to almost as many different pubs as the number of days I have been here, and no, my alcohol tolerance remains unaffected. I’ve been hanging out with the ex-NOVA crew and their friends, who are very nice people and rather musically inclined. Aside from that, I have met some nice Canadians and students from UCL to fill in the rest of my days…actually, I think practically everyone I’ve come across here has been tremendously nice, so thank you London for treating me so well.
A sampling of things I have seen or done for the first time:
-sightseeing via boat cruise
-cooked a meal using more than 3 ingredients
-witnessed a bar fight involving someone I know
-pretended to be a student (for I am finally not one) to sneak into places
-suffocated in a class full of 14 year-old boys who have yet to grasp basic personal hygiene
- watched a pub full of people participate in a Cockney sing-along
-seen someone swallow a Rubix cube, turn the tiles around in his stomach and cough it back up (among other wondrous regurgitating acts)
That’s it for this update. No pictures this time around, but I'll put something up next time. I will try not to wait as long for the next entry (and hopefully they'll be another one, unlike my failed Japan blog). ‘til then, I shall say “Good day!” to you. Oh, and that I miss you and all that sentimental stuff. But you knew that already right?